Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 2, Issue : 4, Year : 2015
Article Page : 223-225
Background and Objectives: Hypertension is a major contributor to the global burden of disease. Family history is an important non-modifiable risk factor for hypertension, very few studies have been done in the young male adults of our region. So, the aim of our study is to know the significance of family history and its effect on hypertension in young healthy male individuals.
Method: We performed a cross section study on 400 young male individuals between 18 to 30 years in western Rajasthan. The participants were then subjected to a set of questionnaire which included age, sex, past history and family history of hypertension. They were then subjected to the measurement of blood pressure.
Results: In our study 9.25% were hypertensive and among thesefamily history of hypertension was present in 27.75% subjects.Mean Systolic Blood Pressure is 7.31 mmHg and mean Diastolic Blood Pressure is 5.6 mmHg higher in those having positive family history of hypertension compared to the other.
Interpretation and Conclusion: Statisticalanalysis was conducted using Student’s t-test and ANOVA test. The p-value is <0.05, which is statistically significant. Family history of hypertension is a significant determinant of hypertension in the young adults & such individuals may benefit from timely targeted interventions.
Keywords: Isolated systolic hypertension(ISH), Isolated diastolic hypertension(IDH), Systolic diastolic hypertension(SDH), Systolic blood pressure (SBP), Diastolic blood pressure (DBP), Hypertension (HTN).
How to cite : Jangid P, Tilwani K, Maheshwari M, Nagal M, Soni N, Co-Relation of Family History of Hypertension with Hypertension in the Young Male Adults in Western Rajasthan. Indian J Clin Anat Physiol 2015;2(4):223-225
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