Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 6, Issue : 4, Year : 2019
Article Page : 382-386
Introduction: A doctor is considered as a person sent by God to take care of physical pain and suffering.
But in present era there is more dissatisfaction towards doctors by patients. Increased incidences of violence
against doctors has raised need to learn communication skill for good doctor patient relationship during
their MBBS curriculum.
Materials and Methods: Study was carried out in 185 students of 1st year MBBS at PDU Medical College,
Rajkot. Before doing research, students were taught about need & importance of effective doctor patient
relationship. Students were given modified version of CSAS (Communication Skill Attitude Scale).
Results: 93.5% of students agreed for need of good communication skills for being a good doctor. But
69% of students agreed for they won’t get fail their medical degree for having poor communication skills.
Conclusion: Good communication skill is must for effective doctor patient relationship. A strong
relationship between the doctor and patient will help doctor to accurate diagnosis of patient’s disease
with better health care. Good doctor patient relationship can improve medical, functional and emotional
condition of patients with decreased risks of medical misconduct.
Keywords: Communication skills, Doctor patient relationship, ATCOM.
How to cite : Pandya N H, Goswami T M, Trivedi R S, Requirement of community skills training for effective doctor patient relationship in MBBS students. Indian J Clin Anat Physiol 2019;6(4):382-386
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