Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 6, Issue : 4, Year : 2019
Article Page : 376-381
Introduction: The frontal sinus is funnel-shaped cavity separated by septum. The frontal sinus is unique
to individual and often thought as a more symptomatic sinus because of the difficulties encountered in
treatment of frontal rhino sinusitis. It requires the clinician to have precise knowledge of nasal sinus
anatomy in the surgical treatment of sinusitis in recent years, particularly in endonasal endoscopic surgery.
Materials and Methods: 100 patients (72 males and 28 females) undergoing coronal and axial sections
of computed tomography scan of frontal sinus of head and neck aged between 1year to 90 years at the
radiology department, Vydehi institute of medical science & research centre, Bangalore for reasons other
than due to craniofacial abnormalities or sinus problem were taken for the study. Volume and dimensions of
the frontal sinuses with its anatomical variations were obtained. Mean, SD, significant difference between
age & gender was calculated.
Results: Mean value of all the parameters of frontal sinus of both right & left were more in males compared
to females. Compared between sides, all the parameters of both sides in males were more in right sinus
than left side, in females right depth & volume were more on right side & height & width were more on
left side. There is a significant difference in height of right frontal sinus, width & volume of left frontal
sinus between male & female. The maximum height was observed in the age group in males on right side
was in 51-60 yrs & on left side was 71-80yrs, in females on right & left side was 61-70 yrs. The Maximum
width, depth & volume of sinus in males & females on right & left side were in age group 51-60 yrs. There
is a significant difference both side in males & females and in right & left sinus in depth was in age group
11-20 yrs & on right side in 21-30 yrs age group.
Conclusion: These results will be helpful in understanding normal and pathological conditions of the
frontal sinuses & useful in clinical planning of medical or surgical interventions of the frontal sinuses.
Keywords: Frontal sinus, Computed tomography, Pneumatisation, Sinus pathology, Sexual Dimorphism, Functional Endoscopic, Sinus Surgery, (FESS), Development.
How to cite : Geethanjali B S, Samhitha G, Mokhasi V, Prakash R , Mohan Kumar H, Morphometry of frontal sinus in correlation to age and gender by computed tomography. Indian J Clin Anat Physiol 2019;6(4):376-381
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