Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 2, Issue : 4, Year : 2015
Article Page : 169-173
Objective: To find out the relation between developments of Pregnancy-Induced Hypertension (PIH) and location of placenta.
Material and Method: 900 pregnant women were selected from antenatal clinic with gestational age of 18 to 24 weeks without any complication. Ultrasonic examination was done to find out site of placenta. Development of sign and symptoms of PIH were followed.
Result: Among 900 women, 365 develop PIH out of 549 with laterally located placenta and 128 women develop PIH out of 351 with centrally located placenta. So the risk for development of PIH with laterally located placenta was 3.45 (odds ratio) and 95% confidence interval (2.62-4.57). The difference was statistically significant, p value (p<0.0001) by chi-square test.
Conclusion: There is significant relationship between laterally located placenta and the development of PIH. There was three times increase risk for development of PIH in females with laterally located placenta. To achieve favourable outcome and reduce the maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality associated with PIH, these subjects may require special obstetric care and management.
Keywords: Placental laterality, PIH, Ultrasound, Central placenta.
How to cite : Nandanwar R A, Wahane A M, Dange N S, The Relation between development of Pregnancy Induced Hypertension and location of placenta among the pregnant women in Bastar Region. Indian J Clin Anat Physiol 2015;2(4):169-173
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