Weights of Tensor, Abductor and Adductor Muscles of the Human Larynx.

  • Dr Mohini Madhukarrao Joshi,*  
  • Dr. SDJOSHI jOSHI,  
  • Dr. Joshi SS Joshi,  
  • Sandeep pakhale pakhale


Weights of Tensor, Abductor and Adductor Muscles of the Human Larynx Mohini Joshi, Joshi SD, Joshi SS, Sandeep Pakhale, Abstract Background The intrinsic muscles of the larynx interconnect the laryngeal cartilages and help in their mobility. Three muscles cricothyroid tensor of vocal cord, supplied by external laryngeal nerve. Posterior cricoarytenoid abductor of vocal cord, Lateral cricoarytenoid adductor of vocal cordboth these muscles are supplied by recurrent laryngeal nerve. This study is important in various clinical laryngeal palsies.A good understanding of the anatomy and the knowledge of laryngeal muscles is important. Method Fifty laryngeal preparations from adult cadavers of Western India were assessed. Sections were prepared via dissection and the removed muscles weighed& statistical analysis was done. Results The mean weight of the cricothyroid on right side was 309.68±102.94 on left side was 332.81±116.7. The mean weight of the posterior cricotarytenoid on right side was 230.01±60.93 on left side was 231.06±61.35.The mean weight of the lateral cricotarytenoid on right side was 60.56±24.10 on left side was 63.48±19.67. Conclusion Wide individual variation in weight of the muscles was observed (Table XI). The Average weight of thecricothyroid muscle (tensor) was more thanthePosterior cricoarytenoid (abductor) &Lateral cricoarytenoid muscle (adductor). The Average weight of thePosterior cricoarytenoid (abductor) was more as compared toLateral cricoarytenoid muscle (adductor) key words larynx, muscles, weight


larynx muscles weight